Rabu, 30 November 2016


Klaus Dona

I spoke with a world class curator, Klaus Dona, who is a leading expert with ancient artifacts, antiquities, and pyramid arrays.  Apparently, this particular sketch never crossed his desk even though it had been published in 1907.


To conduct valid research, it is important to speak to many experts for evaluations.   Preliminary introspection prevents the potential  sensational dissemination of unqualified opinions with published contributions that are misleading.  Unfortunately, self-proclaimed experts of independent pundits prefer this method outside of performing due diligence.   They have mastered the art of excusing themselves from culpability with statements such as:

Chris Geo responds

People are people, they’re going to think whatever they want.  It would be foolish for anyone to think one person speaks for everyone. My target audience is free thinking individuals who are looking for perspectives rather than a leader.

Martyk1968 asked

You [Chris Geo] stated that this Ancient Buddhist map “echoes the current accepted flat earth model”.  As far as I’m aware, there is no true flat earth model that can be proven, so why accept & promote something which can’t be proven?

Fellow radio show pundits without investigation respond:
markksargent [Mark Sargent]
Really like this, great find, opens up so much more! Thanks!

Flat Earth And Other Hot Potatoes [Patricia Steere]
Really cool! Shared

Q: ZombieSymmetry comments

The gist of Hawaiian gazette article that this comes from seems to be: In 1907, Hawaiian physician Dr. Kobayashi claimed his brother found a map in a mountain top cave in Japan. The map is purported to be 1000 years old and is described as “worn-eaten and barely holds together”. From this map, Kobayashi’s brother developed a flat-Earth theory. The brother is described as an artist who made “beautiful drawings, picturesque and attractive to the eye” to support his theory. The drawing shown in the article and displayed in this video is alleged to be one of these: “The above map, with all the continents and even the Hawaiian Islands shown, was evidently not made by the priests who traced the original lines.” So … you flat-Earth guys tend to criticize NASA daily for composite images, etc. But then you say “Check out this drawing from a 100-year-old newspaper article that’s supposed to be of a worm-eaten 1000-year-old map a dude found in a mountain cave in Japan!” Come now! If you’re going to browse ancient newspapers looking for flat-Earth “proof” surely you can do better than this! ðŸ™‚

A: Lee Bracker

it’s Chris Geo who was accused of being a secret society supporter when it was asked of him why his logo is of the occult, and I defended him at the time I ‘came to’, but because he supports Mark Sargent, a flatearth infiltrant that his short comings as a researcher are either obvious, or outright telling, I’m inclined to never ever trust Chris’ decisions. The drawing is not the maggot infested map, but a tracing of one which puts this flat earth find right on the level of NASA research validation skills. Last paragraph shows this as a fact. I’m a proponent of the non-sphere model, but I support the actions against cowards like the Geo’s – for years they’ve avoided speaking with me regarding their work, or mine.

The map shown is a tracing of the original in which it is unknown what the original map’s designs actually indicated.. there may have been inscriptions not copied over to the one seen here and the outer islands may have been something completely unrelated. I’m not poopooing this report, but it didn’t direct the viewer to the last paragraph. http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1907-01-11/ed-1/seq-2/ If you drop a hammer, and this copy of a copy of a copy, they’ll both prove gravity equally well.

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